Caffeine, carbohydrates and hydration. Everything at the same time – and at levels that make a difference. The DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 has it all. By utilizing our hydrogel technology we‘ve even managed to control the bitterness that caffeine usually results in – without any added acid, flavors or colorants.The DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 contains 100 mg of caffeine.Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans.WHY CAFFEINE?Caffeine has been shown to promote alertness and reduce perceived effort and pain. These are properties that can be beneficial in sports performance. The DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 can be used for building up caffeine levels – on its own or together with other caffeine sources to achieve sufficient caffeine levels during activity.AMOUNT OF ENERGYStudies have shown that our bodies can make use of up to 90 grams of carbohydrates per hour. One DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 sachet, mixed with 500 ml of water contains 80 grams of carbohydrates.HOW DOES IT WORK?When mixing DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 with water you get a hydrogel sports drink containing a high concentration of carbohydrates and caffeine. The drink instantly converts to hydrogel in the acidity of the stomach. The hydrogel enables a smooth transportation of the drink through the stomach to the intestine where the water, salt, and carbohydrates are absorbed.INSTRUCTIONSMix the content of each sachet with 500 ml of water and shake well until dissolved (30-60s). Be accurate, the functionality depends on the ratio. The drink mix is designed to be mixed with water containing less than 100 mg/L calcium. Consume a sports drink within 24 hours.HOW TO USE:Use the DRINK MIX 320 CAF 100 on its own or combine it with other Maurten products to ensure you have enough carbohydrates throughout your session. ART.NR. 10402 ST
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För att motverka problem med magen i samband med intag av kosttillskott under träning eller tävling bör man hålla sig till följande riktvärden per timme:
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